Sunday 13 July 2014


The world is like a football field with many players having different numbers and being very functional at any position they are in, if anyone is removed, a gap is created which has to be replaced or else the vacuum will weaken the team. Such is life, no man is an Island. You can’t claim to be knowledgeable in everything and therefore  fight life battles or play the game of life all alone in the field.

You have to learn to help others and also allow others to impact/impart you with words of knowledge; you have to learn to work with people as a team because no matter how much you try to fight alone you can never win a game played against a team when you stand alone. Everyone is important; you would be surprised of how much the inefficiency of one member in a company can affect the productivity of the entire company.

Be part of something, make friends, read wide, allow others develop you with knowledge gained from their experience, if you want to go into business then you have to join the team of business players in the field, be a good listener to the ideas of the people who are in the kind of business you want to get into, get a mentor that will guide and show you the ropes, that's why a coach is needed for a football team because everyone needs direction in life, someone who knows it more than you, someone you can learn from.

Make inquiries about people who failed in that particular field of business you are interested in. why, what, and how, so that you won’t have to make a repeat of their errors. All this information can only be gotten through research and communication. The impact from a team  with the same goal has a greater force than one man with goals who relies on only himself to achieve them without developing himself from knowledge from other sources, no one knows it all so connect with people and stand the chance to be a winner in the game of life.

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